Electronic Dog Fence Installations Without Human Contact

Call 404-536-6770 to request your satellite bid and receive a FREE inside wireless unit ($175 value) or $150 off the purchase of the fence.
Additional fees may be added if:
- We need to bring our wire through a creek/creekbed, stream, pond, lake, or any natural water source
We need to cross through multiple driveways/sidewalks
The property is heavily wooded with underbrush or has natural areas with ivy, etc. that we’ll need to clear a path to bring the wire through
The property has a very steep slope, requiring the wire be tacked down by hand as opposed to trenched in the ground
- We are fencing out certain areas inside of the yard such as flowerbeds, seating areas, trampolines, swimming pools, etc.
We are fencing in more than 1 acre (800 linear feet of wire)
We are pinching off, creating two separate zones